Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What if my man doesn't like my Natural Hair???

Every once in a while someone will ask me the question, "What if my man doesn't like my Natural Hair?" 

Every situation is different, I can't speak on every relationship...but in my case HE LOVES MY NATURAL HAIR...now.

When I made the Big Chop it was in the wee hours of the morn and everyone was nestled quietly in their beds...lol...I wrestled with the idea for YEARS. Every time I decided to go natural I lost my nerve and talked myself out of it. This particular morning I couldn't sleep. I stood in the bathroom mirror staring at my long bone straight tresses and nappy roots. My new growth was screaming for me to pick sides. I was either going to perm my new growth or cut all my hair off. I grabbed the scissors and went to chopping.

After I came down from my rush reality set in, the alarm was going to go off in a couple hours and I had to be at work in a few. 
I put on a scarf and called my husband in the bathroom. I snatched off the scarf and his jaw hit the floor. It seemed like he couldn't stop blinking...he didn't have any words!! LOL!
Even though I told myself that it didn't matter what he thought of my hair. I loved it and that was all that mattered!!! HMPH!
(In reality, I stood there sheepish awaiting his approval. lmbo)
He was like, "What in the world?" He turned me around trying to figure out if he liked it or not. Then he said, "I like it...I think." He shaped up my TWA and I threw on  a wig and went to work.
Basically, he was shocked to see the head of hair I had been growing for the decade we were married all over the floor. Honestly I don't think he really cares either way. I could tell it took a little adjusting because he would stare at my head sometimes when he didn't think I knew he was looking. Five years later my hair has hardly ever been the topic up for discussion. He just kinda sees only ME and not my hair. I am very fortunate because I am always doing something to my hair.

As long as your hair is clean and kept I don't think ANYONE should be shunned for wearing their hair in its natural state. Its hard to believe it when sistas tell me their boo was turned off and left them because they went natural. It says alot about the person and how they view their significant other. 
I would have probably done the BC anyway even if I knew he wouldn't have liked it because it was something I wanted to do. You have to compromise in relationships but not for the sake of your self worth. If it makes you feel good, do it!! 

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